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The brothers Mancini grant an encore

After Massimo Mancini his sister Silvia, born in 1993, conquers the black belt. On the third try, Silvia Mancini reached the goal and finished in 7th place in the final of the 78 kg at the Italian Juniors Championships held Sunday, Feb. 24 at Andria. The girl faced with determination the competition and proved that a little more training probably would have allowed her to get on the podium. Unfortunately, she has trouble studying (she studies engineering at the University of Perugia together with his teammate Juri Medici) and she lives distant from Spello, in Terni: all this prevents her from attending the gym with more regularity. Great satisfaction for the technician Giulio Famà who always believed in the ability of his athlete. "I have to thank, first of all my family - says the young judoka - who supported me, even economically and who followed me up to Andria to cheer for me. Secondly, I would like to thank all the guys of Spello, who helped me to face this difficult experience, and finally my teacher, Giulio Famà, to whom I am already very fond and who believed in me". A great start of the year, which in just two weeks has brought a wave of joy and success to the team of Spello: two black belts in the same family and a bronze medal, the one of Massimo (he may avail itself of the advice of the European champion, Francesco Lepre, black belt 6th Dan, head of the agonistic teams of Master Giuseppe Famà). The spoils of Andria could have been even greater if the draws had not been that difficult for the samurais of Spello. In the first round, Michael Balzana won against the Sicilian Pappalardo, who won several times a medal at the Italian Championships, but then he lost against the neapolitan Di Loreto (European bronze medal). In the retrieval phase, Balzana lost against the titled athlete of Turin, Schiavina. Nothing to do for Giacomo Gramaccioni and Juri Medici, both out in the first round.

Start with the Boom

Great start for the samurais of the brothers Giulio and Giuseppe Famà: a heavy bronze for the young Massimo Mancini (1997) at the Italian Cadets Championships held Saturday, February 9 at Ostia. A bronze that gives him the coveted black belt after just fifteen years. Before him, only Leonardo Pascucci had succeeded in this enterprise with a third place in a hard category: "We hope that it is a good sign and that Massimo can match and exceed the results obtained by Pascucci." - tells the leader Giulio Famà - "Certainly he has achieved an unexpected and striking result, given that its participation was questioned, because of a knee surgery that kept him still for more than a month. A success that he strongly desired and for which Massimo has done and is doing tremendous sacrifices every day to come to train in Spello: Massimo lives and studies in Terni, but the distance does not stop him. A strong will, only few athletes would sacrifice themselves like he does." In the competition held on Saturday afternoon (race began at 9:30 and ended at 22.15) the 90 kg athlete of the Judo Kodokan Spello won 5 matches and only lost against Pozzi, the champion of Italy. Three matches won by ippon standing, one on the ground and one by Waza-ari in the match for third place, that shows the determination and the potential of the young Mancini. A ride to the lowest step of the podium made under the eyes of his father (former athlete of national interest) visibly excited and proud of his son. Massimo exalted his teammates who supported him through to the final, which was held at about 22. "I can’t believe what I did" - said the young champion of the Kodokan Spello – "I can’t realize that I was able to win a medal, a medal that I dreamed for a long time after the injury but that seemed unattainable." Massimo is not new to exploits of this type: he won a bronze medal in 2011 at the National Championships, and after he won the Trophy of Italy. He also participated with the National Team in various tournaments in Italy and abroad. Now he enjoys this well-deserved success with his parents and friends of the Kodokan Spello, after receiving the compliments of master Nicola Moraci, technical of Judo Frascati, where Massimo has trained often, and from the President of Fijlkam Umbria master Giuseppe Famà. The headlines are also deserved by Jordy Suarez, that lost with honor in the second round and Lenin Fernando Mosquera, that is still unable to give his best.

The Letter

That of the Umbrian judo was a four Olympic years unprecedented success in all categories: youth and seniors, male and female. Four years in which the small region of Umbria has grown thanks to one person: Giulio Famà, coach of regional team, that together with his boys has reached peaks that seemed inaccessible. "The four-year Olympic period is now over - says the coach Famà - and the recent articles published in local newspapers do not help to understand the enormity of the sacrifices faced by the Umbrian companies and their technicians. To remedy to all the oversights and unexplained omissions emerged these days, I would like to highlight the real situation and give weight to the actual work done. As Regional Technical Commissioner I had the merit of having involved in this adventure great masters of great moral depth: Celestino Magnini, long-time technical of the noble team Ripabianca, and Dario Dionisi, who managed to lead the athletes of Gubbio at the top of the national judo (remember Bianchini and Fiorucci, winners of the Trophy Italy in 2012, without forgetting his son Marco, great silver medal at the Italian championships). One can not ignore the excellent work done by Leonardo Perini and Mirco Diarena, responsible of the major competitive team: Leonardo (for all the Coach) has conquered the affection of the entire regional team with his friendliness and availability, and he is also the master of a historical society in Umbria where great athletes like Daniele Sciabola (bronze at Italy Cup 2012), and Giacomo Mellone (bronze at Italians Juniors 2012) grew up. Mirco, at the head of the Kodokan Fratta after the untimely death of his father Silvano, has been able to create a team that today boasts captains as Matthew Lascialfari (second at the Italian Cup 2012) and Nicola Becchetti (Italian Junior Champion).All the guys mentioned could take advantage of the support of exceptional teachers like Giovinazzo, Lepre, Cattedra, a slice of the history of Italian judo part of our regional team. I must also mention who made it possible for the region Umbria to be represented in European tournaments, World and Olympic Championships. I refer to the Blue Flames Perugia of Francesco Bruyere (gold in the Jigoro Kano Cup), the London Olympic athletes Francesco Faraldo and Elena Moretti and many others, among whom I would like to quote the Umbrian Matteo Celesti (5th overall in Italy). A collaboration with the prison officers Dr. Marcello Tolu and Dr. Francesco Pennisi, that will continue in the next four years and will allow increasing growth of judo in Umbria. Finally - concludes Famà - I can only show my satisfaction for the revival of judo in Terni. I recall with pleasure the two Italian titles of Pragliola Francesco and Massimo Mancini of the team Passpartout conducted by Ferdinando Fiocchetti and Stefano Nardone. There are also other interesting promises like the aforementioned Mellone and Nicholas Colomboni athlete of team Guazzaroni of the master Gianluca Guazzaroni and the technicians Roberto Colombini and Alessandro Cervelli.I would like to continue the list, but it is not possible to mention all the athletes of the Umbrian teams that, with the exception of the team of Città di Castello, in the past four years have participated at the regional trainings and have contributed to the success of our team. Though the credits go to Filippo Tonzani, a promising young athlete trained by Maestro Poeta, the athletes of the historical society of Maestro Giampaolo Magri, to Elisa Mazzetti and Riccardo Basili, flagship of the association San Sisto, and finally to the boys of my and president Giuseppe Famà’s team: Binucci, Battistoni, Balzana, Damiani".