Chiude i battenti per la pausa estiva il Dojo dei Samurai di Spello

31 July 2016Giulio

Sono proseguiti per tutto il mese di luglio gli allenamenti dei giovanissimi e degli adulti della squadra agonistica che, sfidando il caldo afoso, si sono sottoposti a lavori di rifinitura nelle tecniche di judo e di preparazione fisica.
Un primo semestre positivo e pieno di successi, a tutti i livelli, che hanno condotto sia i lottatori sia i judokas spellani sui gradini più alti del podio dei campionati italiani e dei tornei del Gran Prix.
Buone vacanze a tutti e ci si rivede rilassati e pieni di energia il 22 agosto per la riapertura della palestra.


Bronze in Switzerland for Balzana and a great fifth place for the young Giacomucci

11 May 2016Giulio

At the international tournament “Tre Castelli" held in Bellinzona on April 30 and May 1, the team of Spello, formed by Alessandro Binucci and the cadets Klevis Zeneli (cat. 60 kg.), Carlo Kallcishta and Matteo Murasecco (both 55 kg.), grabbed a beautiful bronze thanks to the persistence and desire to win of Michael Balzana, who - passed to the upper category of the 66 kg. - is gaining a success after another: the bronze medal at the International Championships in Terni allowed him to go directly to the finals of the Italian Absolute Championships. His fearful opponents were looking for...


Excellent result of the young athletes at the "Trophy Judo Club Olimpia" held in Monterotondo

22 April 2016Giulio

Two bronze medals won by Gloria Giacomucci and Riccardo Tartaglini: this is the booty of the Umbrian club of Spello at the competition held in Lazio: for both, three fights faced with full power. Two victories for Riccado and Gloria, result of a stressful race, which lasted over seven hours, an impressive tour de force. Good performance also for Tiziano Meniconi who placed 5th and Carlo Kallcishta who finished the competition with one victory and two undeserved defeats. Nothing to do, however, for Klevis Zeneli who lost the first meeting, probably because of the pre-race stress.


Mancini, Mosquera Ruiz and Baroni will defend the team of Spello at the Italian Junior Championships

12 April 2016Giulio

The athletes, accompanied by the technical Giulio Famà, will fly to Sicily from Fiumicino Airport, Friday, April 22, trying to reach the top of the ranking: the three judokas of Spello have already demonstrated in the past their potential. It will not be an easy competition, but certainly they have the potential to get in the top seven of the national ranking. An objective for which these young samurais are preparing with commitment and determination under the careful guidance of the technical staff of the Famà brothers.
This last weekend the young athletes of Spello, coached by Roberto Diotallevi,...


Eighth place in France for the team of Spello

09 April 2016Giulio

The boys of the Famà brothers failed to improve the result of last year, when they became 5th, but the result weighed heavily on the absence of Massimo Mancini (in the category 90 kg.), that penalized by one point the Spello team: difficult start for Giacomo Fiorucci (66 kg.), Michael Balzana (73 kg.), Alessandro Binucci (81 kg.) and Jorge Mosquera Ruiz (over 90 kg.), forced to get back the point of disadvantage. At the end of five matches fighted, the Spello samurais returned with much international experience and with more awareness of the high level achieved in all these...
