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8 results found related to the tag International Tournament:

Oro per Alessandro Binucci agli internazionali di Novi Ligure

Una superiorità tecnica, dimostrata sul campo, ha permesso all'alfiere di Spello di aggiudicarsi il gradino più alto del podio di questa 33° edizione svoltasi domenica 21 maggio: nulla da fare per gli avversari, Alessandro non ha dato scampo a nessuno ed ha eliminato per ippon i primi due avversari e per waza-ari l'ostico avversario lombardo nella finale. Alla vittoria dello spellano fa da corollario il terzo posto aggiudicatosi dalla brava Benedetta Baroni che permette alla società di Spello di balzare tra le prime società nella classifica finale. Non sono da meno i giovanissimi compagni di squadra che alle qualificazioni dei campionati italiani cadetti, tenutesi a Deruta, domenica 21, raggiungono con Matteo Murasecco, nei 66 kg., e Carlo Kallcishta, nei 60 kg., l'ambito traguardo della finale del campionato italiano di classe, che si terrà a Riccione il 3 giugno: nulla da fare, invece, per Luca Gasparrini che, nei 73 kg., non riesce ad esprimersi al meglio delle sue capacità, e per il giovanissimo Riccardo Tartaglini, ancora troppo inesperto per competere in una categoria, quella dei 66 kg., molto difficile. Da incorniciare, infine, le performance di Anna Biccheri, Agnese Ciccotti e Luca serafini, primi classificati nel torneo svoltosi a Deruta, sempre la domenica mattina, mentre nel pomeriggio i piccoli samurai di Spello hanno fatto man bassa di primi posti con Edoardo Gigliotti, Agnese Della Vedova, Alessandro Fongoli, Francesco Cesarini, Emanuele Del Brutto e Tomas Bernardini. Il prossimo appuntamento è fissato per il prestigioso trofeo di Osimo e il club dei fratelli Famà vi parteciperà in massa.

23rd International Tournament Yamashita Giano dell’Umbria

The second leg of the Grand Prix, held in Umbria, on Saturday, March 14th, gave a smile to the giant of Spello: Filippo Battistoni got on the lowest step of the podium, a result which has projected him on the top of the national ranking. The bronze medal of Filippo, coached by brothers Famà, is the only that has been won by the Umbrian athletes in the male category of the 23rd International Tournament Yamashita Giano dell’ Umbria, in the over 100 kg category. In this difficult and prestigious competition, there were two medalists of the Italian Championship. Battistoni passed the first round without fighting and in the second round he imposed with a spectacular technique, evaluated ippon. In the semifinals he faced the athlete Menale of Rome, vice Italian champion, in an open meeting full of surprises: the Umbrian, leading the meeting by waza-ari until 10 seconds before the end, got caught by a technique evaluated waza-ari and lost the match by a trivial passivity. A missed opportunity, but in the end part of the small final he didn’t let go and, with conviction and determination, he ended the meeting with a projection of applauses. Finally, after so many disappointments, a performance that highlights the physical and technical skills of an athlete constantly on the top of the national ranking. Excellent performance of Alessandro Binucci in the category 81 kg, who gained a fifth place, with four matches won and two lost: a result that does not reward, as it should, the effort and performance of the athlete, but Judo unfortunately is unpredictable and full of surprises. In total, the team of Spello has performed well, and Luca Giulietti, Michael Balzana, Michele Damiani, Patryk Stojecki, Lenin and Jorge Mosquera showed a great growth and improvement that bode well for the future. Even the youth, stands out with the superb bronze medal of Charles Kallcishta, that in the 50 kg category Cadets, obtains an important result: red light, instead, for Gloria Giacomucci and Fabio Napolitano. Important, finally, the great performance of Massimo Mancini in the team competition held in Siena Sunday, March 15. The athlete of Spello, deployed among the ranks of the Italian national junior, put in serious difficulty the athlete of the Hungarian national, former European silver. In total, a positive weekend for the association of Spello.

Binucci and Battistoni on the top of the Ranking

A silver medal for Binucci and a bronze one for Filippo Battistoni at the International Tournament "Eretum". It ends wonderfully the last proof of the Grand Prix, held in Monterotondo of Rome on Sunday October 26th, for the Spello team of brothers Famà. A heavy silver has been conquered by the samurai Alessandro Binucci in the 81 kg category, a result that led him to the top of the National Ranking: now the direct qualification to the finals of the Italian absolutes is a certainty. The competion has been full of emotions, with Alexander focused and sure of his potential: four matches won, three of these before the limit. Beaten in the quarter the No. 1 ranking, Rubini of Parma, with two wonderful techniques evaluated waza-ari, who in the semifinals has exceeded the italian champion Barillari of Torino. A superb test, then, but in the final, the Umbrian samurai has been defeated, for a penalty, by a respectable opponent, Chierici of Arezzo, who was already several times on the national Podium. A bronze medal for Filippo Battistoni, in the over 100 kg category, consolidates its position at the national top and the qualification for the absolutes is now guaranteed. The young Michael Balzana fights with all his forces in a difficult category, the 66 kg, and succeeds in placing to 7th place with three matches to his credit. Good performance also for Luca Giulietti, Michele Damiani, Patryk Stojecki, Giacomo Fiorucci e Giacomo Gramaccioni, athletes that have proved to be able to fight on equal terms against anyone.

Gold for Alessandro Binucci at the internationals of Bellinzona

Great gold won by the samurai of Spello, Alessandro Binucci, at the internationals of Bellinzona. Saturday, May 3, the 34th Tournament took place in the vibrant city of Switzerland, and the athlete coached by the brothers Famà impressed for the supremacy demonstrated during the competition. In the final, due to a little mistake committed in the fight at the ground, he got in disadvantage for waza-ari, but the comeback was relentless and after three penalties for passivity inflicted to the opponent Binucci conquered the victory with a superb tai-otoshi ippon. Good also the fifth place of Filippo Battistoni, who after four fights stopped one step away from the podium: a performance that nonetheless bodes well for the future engagements of May, university cup and Italian Cup. Also their teammates have demonstrated their abilities in the qualification of the Italian Cup held in Torgiano, where they conquered the right to participate at the Italian Cup final scheduled for May 31 in Follonica. In addition we cannot forget the exciting performance of the team at the International Tournament held in La Louviere in France, where Jordy Suarez, Gloria Giacomucci, Lenin Mosquera and Massimo Mancini won the gold medal and Luca Gasparrini, Carlo Kallcishta and Matteo Murasecco placed fifth. Special accompanist was the Vice Mayor of Foligno, Stefania Mancini, for a competition sponsored by the Belgian twin town. Nothing to do for Massimo Mancini, who didn’t win any points for the European Championship in the competitions of Zagreb, Coimbra and Pitesti.