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Matteo Celesti difenderà i colori del Kodokan Spello all'European Judo Open di Ostia

L'appuntamento del 18 e 19 febbraio è uno di quelli che contano nel panorama mondiale dei tornei di qualificazione olimpica: al PalaPellicone gli atleti di punta (olimpionici in testa) tenteranno di guadagnare punti pesanti ai fini della scalata dei primi posti del Ranking mondiale. L'atleta della Polizia penitenziaria, in forza alle Fiamme Azzurre di Roma fino al dicembre 2016, ha fatto ritorno nelle file della squadra dei fratelli Famà dopo aver difeso per circa dieci anni il prestigioso gruppo sportivo militare. Matteo è riuscito a piazzarsi ai piedi del podio nella finale degli italiani assoluti tenutasi a Ostia sabato 4 febbraio, e dopo aver vinto quattro incontri e averne persi due, disputando sei incontri al massimo delle sue energie, è riuscito a raggiungere il quinto posto della classifica: una vera e proprio cavalcata costata tanti sacrifici e tanto sudore, nella quale Matteo ha affrontato atleti titolati e agguerriti. La notizia della convocazione in nazionale è giunta inaspettata, un riconoscimento comunque che premia una carriera sempre ai vertici della classifica nazionale: Ad onr del vero, i tecnici del team azzurro sono rimasti favorevolmente impressionati dalla grinta e dalla determinazione di questo esperto judoka, tanto da volerlo schierare con la squadra azzurra nella kermesse mondiale di Ostia. Intanto, Matteo ha preso seriamente l'impegno di Ostia, preparandosi con assiduità e scrupolo come lui sa fare, e sta affilando le unghie per ben figurare alla gara di Coppa Europa.

Every promise is debt

The motto says "Every promise is debt", and the little Suarez has kept faith to his commitment. The young athlete of Spello respected the prediction that saw him as the protagonist at the recent Italian Cadets Championships held Saturday, April 6 in Ostia, getting a well-deserved silver medal in the 50 kg category. Jordy Pino Suarez, just 14 years old, beginners class, managed to establish himself in a difficult category taking home an important result in a competition reserved to the cadets class. Under the leadership of long-time wrestler, George Mosquera Ruiz, the young athlete of the team of the brothers Famà, has collected a success that projects him to the top of national competitions. Given the excellent result, a call from the national team is expected. Jordy is already mentally prepared for the next round of Saturday, April 20 in Ostia, where he will compete in the Italian Cadets Championships of Greco-Roman wrestling. “I am aware of the importance of the result - said the young fighter - but I am convinced that I can improve. I'm having fun doing Greco-Roman wrestling, the trainings are intense and tiring, but I do not mind sweating and working hard on the mat.” Good also the performance of his cousin Fernando Lenin Mosquera, who faced the Italian champion and the third place winner. The Kodokan Spello is always getting a greater protagonist in the discipline of Greco-Roman wrestling and the achievements reached demonstrate the seriousness and commitment in this sport.

Start with the Boom

Great start for the samurais of the brothers Giulio and Giuseppe Famà: a heavy bronze for the young Massimo Mancini (1997) at the Italian Cadets Championships held Saturday, February 9 at Ostia. A bronze that gives him the coveted black belt after just fifteen years. Before him, only Leonardo Pascucci had succeeded in this enterprise with a third place in a hard category: "We hope that it is a good sign and that Massimo can match and exceed the results obtained by Pascucci." - tells the leader Giulio Famà - "Certainly he has achieved an unexpected and striking result, given that its participation was questioned, because of a knee surgery that kept him still for more than a month. A success that he strongly desired and for which Massimo has done and is doing tremendous sacrifices every day to come to train in Spello: Massimo lives and studies in Terni, but the distance does not stop him. A strong will, only few athletes would sacrifice themselves like he does." In the competition held on Saturday afternoon (race began at 9:30 and ended at 22.15) the 90 kg athlete of the Judo Kodokan Spello won 5 matches and only lost against Pozzi, the champion of Italy. Three matches won by ippon standing, one on the ground and one by Waza-ari in the match for third place, that shows the determination and the potential of the young Mancini. A ride to the lowest step of the podium made under the eyes of his father (former athlete of national interest) visibly excited and proud of his son. Massimo exalted his teammates who supported him through to the final, which was held at about 22. "I can’t believe what I did" - said the young champion of the Kodokan Spello – "I can’t realize that I was able to win a medal, a medal that I dreamed for a long time after the injury but that seemed unattainable." Massimo is not new to exploits of this type: he won a bronze medal in 2011 at the National Championships, and after he won the Trophy of Italy. He also participated with the National Team in various tournaments in Italy and abroad. Now he enjoys this well-deserved success with his parents and friends of the Kodokan Spello, after receiving the compliments of master Nicola Moraci, technical of Judo Frascati, where Massimo has trained often, and from the President of Fijlkam Umbria master Giuseppe Famà. The headlines are also deserved by Jordy Suarez, that lost with honor in the second round and Lenin Fernando Mosquera, that is still unable to give his best.