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18 results found related to the tag Wrestling:

Absolute Silver for the athlete of Foligno Giacomo Gramaccioni

A great silver for Giacomo Gramaccioni in the Italian Absolutes of wrestling. On Saturday, December 5th, in the Palaruffini of Turin, gathered the strongest wrestlers of Italy to compete for the most coveted title. Even the strong team of Spello showed up with a fierce and competitive team: Michael Balzana, who last year won a bronze medal in the 60 kg. category, has paid the price of the upgrade of category with this first experience in the 65 kg. It hasn’t gone as smoothly as hoped: Michael was eliminated in the first round against the athlete who then reached the lowest step of the podium. Nothing to do for Giacomo Bartoni and Edoardo Paccamonti, who was expected to reach a placement of relief but unfortunately was eliminated in the first round. At this point, Giacomo Gramaccioni, several times medallist in the Italian championships class and in the Italian Cup, gained a great number of victories against athletes of great experience; in the first meeting he beat one of the title contenders, the athlete of Palermo Campi, then 3rd classified. Only in the final he surrendered against the athlete of Livorno Simone Iannatoni, still fighting with great tenacity, even if the the gap between the two athletes is still years away. Thanks to Giacomo’s performance, the team of Spello came in eleventh position in the national rankings, a fully respectable result. Words of praised for the success of Giacomo were spent by the technical staff of the association of brothers Famà, composed by the technicians Alvaro Fontanella, Paolo Iannetti, Jorge Ruiz Mosquera, who always follow these guys with great passion and enthusiasm.

Three bronze medals conquered by wrestling team of Spello during the Italian Cup of Naples

An excellent performance, that of the boys trained by the technicians Alvaro Fontanella and Paolo Iannetti in last leg of the circuit of the Italian Cup: a medal around the necks of the promising young Lenin Fernando Mosquera and of his brother Jorge and also of Giacomo Bartoni. Lenin’s performance has been constant during the whole competition, confirming the good technical level reached by the young hope of Spello: "Nothing to say or complain, certainly the three victories out of four matches were very promising and we were hoping for a more prestigious placement, but a "diabolical" mechanism has led our bearer to conclude the competition with a third place - says - the charge of the company - but that’s it. We are confident, however, that the in the next rounds, the young Mosquera will be respected. " A bit of bitterness for the performance, not so good, of the quoted Jorge Mosquera, back from a flu that has affected the performance of the even good wrestler of Spello. An unexpected medal for Giacomo Bartoni, but the commitment and the sacrifices have certainly borne tangible fruits. A well deserved fifteenth place in the final of the Italian Cup for the Umbrian society that confirms the strength of a team, at the top for ten years. No time to rest on our laurels and Spello wrestlers have already rolled up their sleeves for the upcoming major events: the Italian championships class are upon us and the desire to reach the summit pushes the boys to do their best.

The team of Spello reaches the summit of the club rankings at the most prestigious national competit

Amazing performance from the wrestlers of Spello Paolo Iannetti and Michael Balzana (both got on the lowest rung of the podium) at the Absolute Italian Freestyle competition that took place Saturday, March 8 at the Palatennistavolo of Terni. While for Iannetti the medal was easily predictable, for Balzana it was a great surprise. For Paolo, the bronze medal represented the crowning of a career at high level, which began several years ago under the careful and meticulous guidance of Master Lupi, and ended in the achievement of the age limit, the fateful 35 years: "I have given so much but I have also received a lot from this sport, I will miss a lot the excitement to fight in an absolute competition, even if it is my intention to conclude the competitive spirit in November with the Italian Cup in Perugia, the city where I grew up. I thank all those who supported and have been close to me in this latest adventure, especially my friends and teammates, Jorge and Edoardo, and the brothers Giulio and Giuseppe who always believed in me". While Iannetti concluded a great experience, the young Michael moves towards a meteoric climb of the Italian summits. In the last two months he only trained Greco-roman Wrestling, abandoning temporarily his passion, judo. The baton passes into the hands of the young Balzana, category 61 kg, who said: "I owe everything to my technical Paolo Iannetti, who had to endure my whims, and who followed me and encouraged me to believe in my ability. A great venture achieved thanks to the Master Alvaro Fontanella, technician of my club and Regional Technical Commissioner, Jonathan Molfino and the Regional Vice President, Luciano Pierini: without them I would not have ever made it". But the whole team of Spello shines, thanks to the seventh place of Alfonso Argenio and the good positionings of Michele Damiani, Giacomo Gramaccioni, Elia Angelucci and Jacopo Grandolini.

Every promise is debt

The motto says "Every promise is debt", and the little Suarez has kept faith to his commitment. The young athlete of Spello respected the prediction that saw him as the protagonist at the recent Italian Cadets Championships held Saturday, April 6 in Ostia, getting a well-deserved silver medal in the 50 kg category. Jordy Pino Suarez, just 14 years old, beginners class, managed to establish himself in a difficult category taking home an important result in a competition reserved to the cadets class. Under the leadership of long-time wrestler, George Mosquera Ruiz, the young athlete of the team of the brothers Famà, has collected a success that projects him to the top of national competitions. Given the excellent result, a call from the national team is expected. Jordy is already mentally prepared for the next round of Saturday, April 20 in Ostia, where he will compete in the Italian Cadets Championships of Greco-Roman wrestling. “I am aware of the importance of the result - said the young fighter - but I am convinced that I can improve. I'm having fun doing Greco-Roman wrestling, the trainings are intense and tiring, but I do not mind sweating and working hard on the mat.” Good also the performance of his cousin Fernando Lenin Mosquera, who faced the Italian champion and the third place winner. The Kodokan Spello is always getting a greater protagonist in the discipline of Greco-Roman wrestling and the achievements reached demonstrate the seriousness and commitment in this sport.