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Gran Prix di Terni in chiaroscuro per il team di Spello

I ragazzi del M° Famà si presentano concentrati e pronti per la seconda tappa del Gran Prix d'Italia, ma il 25° Torneo Internazionale svoltosi a Terni nell'ultimo fine settimana risulta fatale per i Samurai spellani. Ben dieci gli atleti in gara: Klevis Zeneli nei 60 kg. (il più giovane della compagine, appena 17 anni), Michael Balzana e Giacomo Fiorucci nei 66 kg., Alessandro Binucci (7° class.), Michele Damiani, Giacomo Gramaccioni e Luca Giulietti negli 81 kg., Lenin Mosquera Ruiz nei 90 kg., Benedetta Baroni (5° class.) e Claudia Napoletano nei 57 kg. La prova offerta da Alessandro Binucci è la sola nota positiva della giornata, che combatte e affronta tutti gli avversari, ben sei, con la voglia di vincere ma condizionato da un grave infortunio alla caviglia che ha parzialmente compromesso questo inizio di stagione, comunque un buon settimo che fa ben sperare per il futuro. Bella e generosa la performance di Giacomo Fiorucci, Benedetta Baroni, Giacomo Gramaccioni e Lenin Mosquera, mentre opache, e al di sotto delle aspettative, risultano quelle di due noti atleti, Michael Balzana e Michele Damiani. Discorso a parte meritano i due inesperti judokas dei fratelli Famà, Zeneli e Napoletano che si battono con entusiasmo e la voglia di emergere, ma il divario con i "primi della classe" è ancora molto distante. Anche i cadetti, in gara il sabato pomeriggio, si comportano a fase alterne, ma la gioventù è dalla loro e Carlo Kallcishta (7° class.), Riccardo Tartaglini e Luca Gasparrini avranno modo di dimostrare tutto il loro valore. Da sottolineare l'ottima gara di Alessio Cecera che conclude il torneo riservato alla classe esordienti al 5° posto, dopo aver battuto ben tre avversari di rilievo in una categoria (la 45 kg.) particolarmente difficile e numerosa: il piccolo Michele Sciabola riemerge dal buio delle ultime competizioni e si batte con la forza di un leone, riuscendo a conquistare un lusinghiero 9° posto. Nulla da fare, invece, per il più leggero della categoria 36 kg., il piccolo Matteo Pambianco che, con i suoi appena trenta chili, tiene testa al primo turno ad un coriaceo napoletano fino a pochi secondi dal termine dell'incontro. Per finire, una lieta notizia giunge dal vivaio spellano che, nel Gran Premio Giovanissimi, terza tappa, hanno gareggiato con il giusto spirito dimostrando, nonostante la giovane età, grandi capacità: un applauso a piene mani a Carolina Troffa, Alice Della Vedova, Thomas Bernardini e Federico Restivo.

An important podium for Michael Balzana at the Trophy Giano dell'Umbria 2016

With the conquest of the bronze medal at the last stage of the Grand Prix, held in Terni Saturday, March 12, the light weight of Spello gets to 9th place in the national ranking and conquers a place for the Italian Absolutes finals of Italy that will be held June 2016 in Parma. After easily winning the first three fights, all won by ippon, in the fourth round he gives up against the No. 2 of the ranking - failing to handle the aggressivity of the strong Ligurian Mancioppi - that beats him for sum of passivities: but in the recoveries Balzana beats without too many pleasantries three high-level athletes getting a bronze that shows the state of grace of the young judoka of Famà brothers Club. Back in the competitions after a long break, Massimo Mancini, who eliminates three judokas thanks to a standing throwing technique of rare power. In the semi-final he lost against Matteo Celesti (great athlete who left the Judo Kodokan Spello to train together with the Blue Flames in Rome) getting to the 5th place. Black day for the rest of the team: Giacomo Gramaccioni, Alessandro Binucci, Patryk Stojecki, Luca Giulietti and Benedetta Baroni all out in the first round and without appeal. In the cadets competition, however, three medals won by the young promises of the Team followed by Filippo Battistoni and Cristiano Damiani: silver for Gloria Giacomucci, bronze for Klevis Zeneli and Carlo Kallchista. Good fifth place achieved by the youngest of the group, Matteo Murasecco, who - first year in the cadet class - already highlighted his skills in several fights held in these first two months of 2016.

Amazing bronze for Michael Balzana and Filippo Battistoni at the Grand Prix in Turin

A great performance, that of Michael Balzana: the Umbrian athlete was able to handle the competition and to impose his techniques against the opponents, with five matches won before a few seconds before the end; Micheal was defeated just one time by the Neapolitan athlete Di Capua, who finished in second place of the ranking after the Turin athlete Satin. The bronze medial won by Filippo Battistoni raises the association of Spello in third position in the national ranking, consolidating its position. Binucci Alessandro reached the 7th place, who won three matches out of five; a good 13th place for Michele Damiani, who won two matches out of three. Thanks to this result, Alessandro achieved the 4th place in the national ranking , a great result. Now all are waiting for the final of the Italian absolutes Championship scheduled on Saturday, December 12th in Turin and for the debut of Matteo Murasecco in the national context on Saturday, December 5th in Ostia during the finals of the Italian newcomers . A great performance also for the young athletes of the association of Spello that, at the 6th edition of the Trophy "The Poets of Judo",held Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th have collected a lot of medals: gold for JorgeMosquera Ruiz, Benedetta Baroni and Claudia Napoletano, silver for Gloria Giacomucci and Carlo Kallcishta and bronze for Alessio Cecera. It is to mention, also, the performance of Tiziano Meniconi, Eduard Brahas, GiacomoBenedetti, Fabio Napolitano,Luca Giulietti, Patryk Stojecki, Edward Gigliotti, Troffa Carolina, Agnese Ciccotti, Matteo Pambianco, Samuele Bagaglia, Michele Sciabola and Flavio Cimarelli.

Gold for Massimo Mancini in the Bellizzi Tournament, the last leg of the Grand Prix

A gold medail for Massimo Mancini in the Bellizzi Tournament, the last leg of the Grand Prix, and the first place in the final of the National Ranking. A great satisfaction for Kodokan Spello that sees his top athlete winning the 2014 Grand Prix of Italy and, with this goal, the concrete possibility to find a space in the national team. Three matches played, all ended before the end, thanks to the power and perfection of the technical movements which rewarded Maurizio with three wonderful ippons. The young of Spello has received the compliments of the leading experts, present at the competition, impressing the judges with his tenacity and his determination: we should thank, for their work and for the excellent level reached by the pupil of the brothers Famà, the athletic preparator Ilaria Silvani of Terni and one of the most outstanding athletes of Umbrian Judo Daniele Sciabola, from the Spoleto’s company X2, the flagship of Leonardo Perini, Vice President of the Sector, who - with commitment and dedication - trains in Spello two times a week with the young Massimo. It overshadowed the performance of the young, but promising, Gloria Giacomucci, out in the first round, returned to competition after a short break due to physical problems: however, the potential of the young womann gives hope for the future. Good, however, the performance of Giacomo Fiorucci, an athlete who everytime shows during the competition the reached technical level, who performed well also in the Bellizzi Trophy.